Devon, Cornwall, Somerset

Fire Risk Assessment

What is a Fire Risk Assessment? A careful look at your premises and the people who use them, from a fire prevention perspective. It's about understanding the potential risks, then improving your fire safety precautions to keep people safe.

Fire safety training educates on the basic science of a fire – such as how it develops and spreads – the different types of firefighting equipment, what to do and what not to do when you identify a fire, and how to evacuate safely.


Fire Risk Assessment

From 1st October 2006 it became a legal requirement for persons responsible for, or with a degree of control over a premises, to carry out a fire risk assessment. The legislation applies to virtually all types of premises, other than domestic properties occupied by a single family.  

The FRA should consider numerous aspects including: 

  • The construction and layout of the building, its use (ie. Industrial, commercial, sleeping accommodation etc.) and provision of escape routes. 
  • Provision of automatic fire alarm systems, emergency lighting, signage and fire-fighting equipment 
  • The number of persons using the building and any special considerations such as age, mobility etc. 
  • Provision of staff training. 
  • Storage of hazardous materials 
  • Testing of electrical installations  

The FRA should be retained by the “Responsible person” and periodically reviewed and updated where necessary. 

Please call for more information and a quotation. 

Fire Safety Training 

Ensure you are meeting your obligations by training your employees. We can offer fire safety training at your premises with a number of different course options from basic fire awareness to hands-on training in the use of portable fire extinguishers. 

Course costs vary according to type, location and the number of delegates so please call for more information and a quotation.